May 8, 2024

Clinical Trials

Study confirms menopause transition increases risk of Alzheimer’s

MD Stem Cells is evaluating the ability of stem cells and near-infrared light treatment to improve cognitive impairment

Axsome Clinical Trials is assessing the efficacy and safety of AXS-05 to treat agitation in Alzheimer’s

University of Kentucky Studying Relationship Between Variations of the APOE Gene and Metabolism

Mayo Clinic is evaluating weighted blankets to reduce agitation

The University of Pennsylvania is evaluating a training program for caregivers to improve sleep in Dementia patients

Study evaluating whether AGB101 slows cognitive and functional impairment in people with prodromal Alzheimer’s disease underway

Evaluation of the efficacy and safety of an anti-tau antibody in older adults with early Alzheimer’s disease is in progress

Blood-brain barrier test may predict dementia

Phase 2 trial of AD-35 for mild to moderate Alzheimer’s is in progress

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